Pepi, A., W. Hemstrom, A. Dang, C. Beck & F. Beyerle. 2022. Comparing the roles of climate, predation and phylogeography in driving wing color variation in Ranchman’s tiger moth (Arctia virginalis). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society.
Pepi, A., V. Pan & R. Karban. 2022. Influence of delayed density and ultraviolet radiation on caterpillar granulovirus infection & mortality. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00:1-11,
Pepi, A., P. Grof-Tisza, M. Holyoak & R. Karban. 2022. Hilltopping influences spatial dynamics of a patchy population of tiger moths. Proceeding of the Royal Society B, 289:20220505.
McMunn, M. & A. Pepi. 2022. Predicted asymmetrical effects of warming on nocturnal and diurnal soil-dwelling ectotherms. American Naturalist,199: 00-00. PDF.
Pepi, A., & M. McMunn. 2021. Predator diversity and thermal niche complementarity attenuate indirect effects of warming on prey survival. American Naturalist,198: 33-43. PDF.
Pepi, A., M. Holyoak & R. Karban. 2021. Altered precipitation dynamics lead to a shift in herbivore dynamical regime. Ecology Letters,00:1-8. PDF.
Pan, V.,* A. Pepi, J. Goidell & R. Karban. 2021. Retention of green leaves not brown leaves increases spring cynipid diversity on large Valley Oaks. Arthropod-Plant Interactions.
Pepi, A. & R. Karban. 2021. Effects of experimental watering but not warming on herbivory vary across a gradient of precipitation. Ecology & Evolution, 00:1-8. PDF.
Karban, R., E. LoPresti, A. Pepi & P. Grof-Tisza‡. 2019. Induction of the sticky plant defense syndrome in wild tobacco. Ecology, 100:e02746. PDF.
Grof-Tisza, P., A. Pepi., M. Holyoak & R. Karban. 2019. Precipitation-dependent source-sink dynamics in a spatially structured population of an outbreaking caterpillar. Landscape Ecology, 34:1131-1143. PDF.
Grof-Tisza, P., & A. Pepi. 2019. Cannibalism of pupae by caterpillars of the Ranchman’s tiger moth, Arctia virginalis, (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). American Midland Naturalist, 181:139-142. PDF.
Vindstad, O. P., J. Jepsen, M. Ek†, A. Pepi & R. Ims. 2018. Can novel pest outbreaks drive ecosystem transitions in northern-boreal birch forest? Journal of Ecology, 107: 1141-1153. PDF.
Pepi, A., P. Grof-Tisza, M. Holyoak & R. Karban. 2018. As temperature increases, predator attack rate is more important to survival than a smaller window of prey vulnerability. Ecology, 99:1584-1590. PDF.
Pepi, A., O.P.L Vindstad, M. Ek† & J. Jepsen. 2017. Elevationally biased avian predation as a contributor to altitudinal distribution of eruptive geometrids in sub-arctic mountain birch forest. Ecological Entomology,42:430-448. PDF.
Pepi, A., H. Broadley & J. Elkinton. 2016. Density-dependent effects of larval dispersal mediated by host plant quality on populations of an invasive insect. Oecologia 182:499-509. Erratum 185:533-535. PDF.